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Kman1121 t1_is5lpg0 wrote

It’s amazing we live in a world where automation is a threat to livelihoods rather than an instrument to allow people to pursue more important callings.


Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_is5zczy wrote

The fear of automation and machinery is nothing new. The first fire engine in one of the US eastern cities was destroyed by the fire brigade because they didn't want their jobs replaced by a machine.

Similar thing happened in many factories during the industrial revolution.


fangfried t1_is65cez wrote

I think it’s both. The headlines just pick the dystopian narrative instead of the optimistic one.


GreenFeather05 t1_is6kxfm wrote

Its dystopian because society does not have the rules, regulations or systems in place to make this news optimistic.


Bostonguy01852 t1_is5wgvi wrote

We should be charging a fee for the use of the sidewalks. At least the local municipality will get something back.


jormungandrsjig t1_isanycr wrote

> It’s amazing we live in a world where automation is a threat to livelihoods rather than an instrument to allow people to pursue more important callings.

Retraining isn't an option for many people today due to the cost of a secondary education and absolute need to find replacement work ASAP to keep the wolves at bay. Job losses in this sector will hit the poor hard, and not many of them have the credit to borrow enough to go back to school full time and cover living expenses.


winesprite t1_isemez3 wrote

You can get education from top schools completely free today. Absolutely no excuse not to get new skills.


[deleted] t1_is68wuo wrote

Everyone has to work for food and shelter. If you try and build a society where only some people work for their food and shelter, but they have to also pay for someone else's food and shelter, that will breed resentment.

I also don't hold out much hope that if we remove all the bottom end jobs it will free people up to "persue more important callings". Your local DoorDash driver is probably never going to be an airline pilot or a computer programmer. And even if they wanted to and had the ability, there won't be enough positions open anyway.
