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hopefulatwhatido t1_irxoqa0 wrote

I was watching a lot of videos on this yesterday and pretty much everything says it’s 2100 most likely. There is simply nothing to sustain plasma at the temperature of our sun for prolonged periods of time.

It also got me thinking, so for like a century we have been taking significant risks by splitting atoms of radioactive isotopes and now to combine atoms and generate and heat plasma hotter than surface temperature of the sun just to boil the water? There’s got to be an easier way than this to generate stream to spin the turbine.

Definitely huge chunk of our energy should be coming from non nuclear renewable sources already. Ideally 100% from non nuclear renewables and then using reactors as contingencies and downtime or just trying to keep the cost down for end consumer by keeping the supply higher than demand. But here we are relying on Russia for oil and gas.