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thevictater t1_irszc6r wrote

It's a combination of folly, ignorance, and willfull ignorance.

I feel deeply sad for people affected, but that doesn't help save them or the earth.


stonebraker13 t1_irt07q8 wrote

Choosing to not support those who create the problem helps greatly, unfortunately most folks won't "inconvenience" themselves...our society has become selfish and overly individualized. We are our brothers & sisters keepers....


thevictater t1_irtcd3g wrote

Many people could do better for sure, but I don't fault people as a species and presume us all stupid. I fault them and decide if they're stupid individually. Still, I think there are enough good people that it's not hopeless. It is not easy, and it will take time. In the end all we have is hope.


stonebraker13 t1_irtwblu wrote

I have hope, but again and here is more ugly truth, people do not act unless there is a threat. Now, interesting enough it seems that we only act to make change when profits are at threat, not health and safety....look at Flint, Michigan and what happened there....and it will likely happen again because there have been little to no consequences for these GOP politicians who CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE TO POISON CHILDREN....and people still can't drink water there.