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swarmy1 t1_ir9r79r wrote

Where have you been hearing that it's 10 years away? For commercial implementation to be 10 years away, the experimental implementation would have to be ready basically right now. That's obviously never been the case.


Latin_For_King t1_ira19ek wrote

Exactly my point.


swarmy1 t1_irb3qsg wrote

And my point is that only crappy clickbaiters would have claimed that commercial fusion was only 10 years away over the last 35 years. It's basically a straw man.


Latin_For_King t1_irb823l wrote

>only crappy clickbaiters

Click bait has only been a thing for the past few years, and I have seen these fusion stories since the 80s

Similarly, I am in aerospace machining, and "they" have been saying that 3D printing is going to put us out of business in 10 years since the late 80s. 3D printing is still a very long way from overtaking standard machining processes.

I think it is more wishful thinking and being overly optimistic.