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Ok-disaster2022 t1_ir1m5ar wrote

China lacks the real innovative spark for new technologies. They may acquire it in the next generation or so, but it would require more individualistic freedom. In either case in a generation or so China will be overtaken by India anyway.

By innovative spark, look at the country who won the most Nobel prizes in the last century: the US. Look at all the technologies that didnt exist until an American invented it. Heck, you're on an American website built on American designed telecom system probably on a device that uses American designed chips and an American designed operating system. It's made in other countries because it's cheaper for American companies to do so. But it's also important to acknowledge America is so innovative because compared to virtually every other country in the world, America is accepting of outsiders of new ideas and is the great American melting pot. America has plenty of problems with race and cultural clashes, but every other nation is xenophobic in comparison, especially Asian countries like China.


Yumewomiteru t1_ir1mp9n wrote

> In either case in a generation or so China will be overtaken by India anyway.

This narrative has been going on since forever, what do you use in every day life that is made by an Indian company? Meanwhile Chinese companies like Tik Tok, Lenovo, Mihoyo with Genshin Impact, etc. have already became household names in the west. Being blind to facts to push your own biases is not rational.


Longjumping_Kale1 t1_ir1op8w wrote

Yes the OP is just commenting useless drivel, India will be a great nation of its own accord and it's unrelated to how badly the West is insisting on fucking up relations with China.


OutOfBananaException t1_ir4a326 wrote

The world will be a better place with a strong India. However you cannot assign all the blame to the west for messing up relations with China, with such hostile diplomacy coming out of China, really what did they expect?


pretendperson t1_irarybh wrote

India is a bit supporter of russia and has a lot of military coordination with them.


Little_Froggy t1_ir2cu8q wrote

Yeah, I haven't understood why people speak this narrative so much. Of course China had to play catch-up for awhile, but that never meant that it's citizens were somehow incapable of innovation. In fact, due to their patent laws being so lax (afaik, I may be misinformed here), companies are forced to constantly innovate in order to keep their products in the most desirable place on the market rather than relying on a 10 year patent stifling any sort of competition around one particular product for them.


OGRESHAVELAYERz t1_ir253jg wrote

India will never overtake China lol


Hot-mic t1_ir39woc wrote

China will likely screw itself and no outside involvement will be necessary. Once technology moves ahead of them and they can't copy any more, they'll be falling behind as they have for the last 1000 years. Rigid dictatorships are fragile things in the end.