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ShihPoosRule t1_ir16dah wrote

As they should. China is arguably America’s greatest economic, geopolitical and ideological adversary.


__Cypher_Legate__ t1_ir1wymt wrote

And they are also prolific tech thieves who steal IP from not only the US, but Russia, and who knows where else. It’s understandable why when you consider the expertise and man-hours that go into the designs, and the fact that China is a manufacturing hub for most places in the world.


Xw5838 t1_ir2eehk wrote

Always interesting when people mention this not realizing that Europe literally only developed to the level that they did because of the tech they received from China by way of the Mongols and Arab civilizations who both invaded Europe. Without which they would have remained a backwards continent for centuries longer.

Tech such as Guns and Gunpowder


The printing press

The wheelbarrow

The compass


Elite_Valkyrijn t1_ir2mktp wrote

Yes quite interesting when a top dog doesn’t want to be out competed and become little dog.

Truly interesting how it works like that. Can’t comprehend why it be that way.


__Cypher_Legate__ t1_ir6cqja wrote

I'm talking about the modern era where we don't justify current actions based on history that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Honestly, I personally don't have a problem with globalization, but a company might be hesitant to have millions of dollars worth of R&D appropriated by their competitors, and a country might be hesitant to have it's tech advantage taken and mass produced by weapons manufacturers loyal to their adversaries. The US government isn't really thinking about how 700 years ago Europe got the knowledge about gunpowder from China. Currently, it is well known that lots of Chinese tech is based on designs by foreign inventors which was not lawfully obtained, so it makes perfect sense why the US would want to restrict or slow this process for their own interests.


TheRobberPanda t1_ir2vdfm wrote

How much social credit do they give you to post these comments?


I_C_Weaner t1_ir386bk wrote

Go easy, friend - he may be trying to get one of his friends out of a Uyghur concentration camp. Or maybe he's trying to be able to take the bus again.


Ok_Cantaloupe_7423 t1_ir1869p wrote

Easy to do when you have a billion people who many of which are used as literal slaves


JebusLives42 t1_ir30b0r wrote

What a horrific view of the world.

Hoarding technology to ensure it is not used to improve people's lives.. unless we profit from it.

How self serving. This attitude towards technology and medicine is disgusting. For shame.


jnemesh t1_ir3229z wrote

What is really horrific is how uneducated some of these comments are...when a simple google search could clue you in on exactly what the CCP has been doing to deserve such sanctions.


JebusLives42 t1_ir361kz wrote

Pray tell, what horrible atocities is the CCP doing?

Using medical technology to cure the sick?

Deploying mobile payment systems with speed and penetration that makes Americans jealous?


[deleted] t1_ir3kkzn wrote



JebusLives42 t1_ir3tmmd wrote

Would you suggest that the country that elected Trump is a more appropriate model for how to do things?

>everything we buy from them is made by slave children

.. I suppose you're implying that America is the good guy in this equation? Looks like two very shitty guys to me.


Hot-mic t1_ir39evi wrote

  • Using tech for weapons development
  • Attempting to end democracies
  • Supporting an authoritarian government with a lifelong ruler
  • Using slave labor
  • Attempting usurpation of South China Sea
  • Allying itself with Russia
  • Undermining human rights globally
  • Building a surveillance state Yes, I know they're not the only ones, but they have one ruler that can't be voted out, thus they'll unlikely change for the better as they have no better half to vote in.

JebusLives42 t1_ir3gcgs wrote

>Yes, I know they're not the only ones

You can take every single point above and apply it to America, a couple of them require a simple word substitution.

  • Using tech for weapons development
  • Attempting to end install democracies
  • Supporting Creating an authoritarian government with a lifelong ruler, then killing said ruler 25 years later.
  • Using slave labor
  • Attempting usurpation of South China Sea earth
  • Allying itself with Russia
  • Undermining human rights globally
  • Building a surveillance state

Hot-mic t1_irgqfvo wrote

Yep, you can take every point - except voting and having a two party political system and no social credit authority. I can talk shit about my government and they can't do shit. Fuck Xi - can they they say that without repercussions?


curious_s t1_ir3i1na wrote

>Using tech for weapons development

I'd like to know how you do weapons development without technology.


>Attempting to end democracies

Which democracies? You mean Taiwan, Hong Kong? These are Chinese territories, The US has no say over how China runs its own country.


>Supporting an authoritarian government with a lifelong ruler

The US has no say over how China runs its own country.


>Using slave labor

Even if this is true, what has it got to do with technology? Also, slave labour, dude glass houses and stones.


>Attempting usurpation of South China Sea

Are these companies 'usurping' the South China Sea, which is claimed by China and many other regional nations. Are the other nations in the South China Sea conflict getting technology companies sanctioned?


>Allying itself with Russia

So countries are not allowed to choose allies that you disagree with? Why is that?


>Undermining human rights globally

What? How exactly?


>Building a surveillance state Yes, I know they're not the only ones, but they have one ruler that can't be voted out, thus they'll unlikely change for the better as they have no better half to vote in.

I like your proof here, it is as good as CNN with just blatant statements with nothing to back them up.
