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GothicSilencer t1_jdcxj7f wrote

The analogy falls apart a little with figures like Musk and Jobs, though. It's not just the factory, they hired inventors to invent stuff. Literally someone else's ideas making them rich. They just partnered other people's ideas with the means of production.


Psychological_Ad_633 t1_jdcyxhg wrote

Do you have a source you can send? Not to discredit your points, but I've read it on reddit several times and never seen links. Would be interested in reading that because I loathe the dude.


GothicSilencer t1_jdd0ae6 wrote


A source on how Steve Jobs marketed the works of Steve Wozniak? Pretty sure that's common knowledge.

Or how PayPal evolved out of an internet bank Elon WAS involved with, but they purchased the internet payment business developed by others, or how SpaceX' Falcon rockets only work thanks to Tom Mueller? Or is it more relevant that every Tesla model since 2008 has been designed by one man, whose name isn't Elon Musk?

Like, this is a well-trod road. It's not groundbreaking news to say Elon didn't design the things he's credited for making.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdcy85i wrote

Not really. If you're the one providing both direction, infrastructure, and tremendous amounts of money to make something happen then you're largely responsible for it happening.


orrk256 t1_jdefpc1 wrote

to put it as people did 100 years ago, if you own the means of production, aka the capital, you profit from the work of those who don't have capital, and the best part is when the people who have capital because they inherit it, they just accumulate more of it.

Damn, someone should write a book on this and help found some scientific movement to study this, we could call it "Capital" and make the study of the market economics!


ValyrianJedi t1_jdeihfm wrote

Capital is just as important as labor is to a business running, and most people's labor is utterly useless by itself, and frequently not able to be done in the first place without the capital and infrastructure provided by the owner... You people all seem to have some silly notion that it's all about labor and labor is all that matters, when it just isn't.