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AppropriateStranger t1_jbyj6zd wrote

This is such a red flag thread... Parent, please don't rely or hope for such a horrible future. That's the type of data that we really should keep away from AI companies and just off the internet in general, AI can not reliably counsel people on their problems safely, and no matter how many of these situations come up where people want to use the AI as their emotional tampon and it "works out" it doesn't make it safe or healthy.


Tomycj t1_jbyo0we wrote

ikr, I'm very enthusiast and optimistic about AI, but letting a developing person be influenced by an AI at this level sounds extremely creepy. Even more considering that most users probably won't even know how does the system work.


ramrug t1_jbyoze2 wrote

I agree, but it's already happening. We must learn to deal with it. I can easily imagine a near future where companies use ChatGPT for hiring advice, because the chat bot will know more about an individual than anyone else. Essentially it will collect all gossip about everyone. lol

Hopefully some effort is made (through law) to anonymize all that personal data.
