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Sidius303 t1_j8s1e0u wrote

Those thistles are always so aggressive looking. They look like German Thistle but I could be wrong.


MasterMoshd t1_j8s8hq4 wrote

They are also very agressive if you accidently touch them with your legs while hiking.


Fiyanggu t1_j8u4ykt wrote

They look like they’d be tasty in a high end salad. Like the new frisée.


[deleted] t1_j8v5lc1 wrote

Hell, they look almost like the Russian thistle that grows in eastern Washington state.


Sidius303 t1_j8v8uy0 wrote

Maybe that's the name. I see it growing high alpine above 13k feet a lot. It looks like it's just born with thorns in the center


Crafty-Crafter t1_j8sa0c0 wrote

Damn. That looks so unreal. I had to check what sub because I thought it was AI generated.


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8sa6y4 wrote

Switzerland is AI generated lol


Crafty-Crafter t1_j8saweq wrote

I will visit one day. What's the best/warmest month to go?


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8sbc6k wrote

I would say June to August for green and flowers in the mountain, and October 15- Nov 10 for Autumn colors (but cold)


Hauk2004 t1_j8sr2h7 wrote

I go every year in July. Last year there was a heatwave and we cooked. Other years its been temperate. Basically the Swiss alps are so changeable you need to bring 3 seasons of clothes for summer!


Isgortio t1_j8uazoq wrote

No wonder my nan found it so easy to move from Switzerland to England, our summers also pretend to be every other season.


AAS_98 t1_j8sz55s wrote

I'd recommend visiting the Interlaken area (including Lauterbrünnen and Grindelwald) around May. It's not the warmest month but the weather will still be pleassant most likely. The main reason for this is the lakes: They'll be clear blue in the spring because of the recently melted alpine ice, while the lakes will look pretty much like a regular dark lake in October..


B-B-B-Besler t1_j8t1tsa wrote

also, the waterfalls at Lauterbrunnen will be more beautiful in spring because of the melting snow. We went in October and it was not nearly as impressive as the pictures.


kittymcdoogle t1_j8twduq wrote

This is true. I know because I've not been to Switzerland.


Geschak t1_j8swxnn wrote

I thought so too because I live in Switzerland and this isn't what Swiss mountains look like. I've also never seen so many thistles crowded like this in the mountains.


abricq t1_j8vpgpq wrote

Oh no, it's I can confirm it is not AI-generated: I have been to this place several times !

It would be the "lacs de fenêtre", somewhere near the Grand-Saint Bernard Pass, at the border of Italy and Switzerland. The mountains in front are all parts of the Mont-Blanc massif. The hike is "easy" if you start from La foully and not from the pass ;)

This specific spot is often used by commercials, in switzerland you often get to see this picture (of this specific landscape). I am pretty sure the swiss national railway (SBB) used it a few months ago.


mohitpatel845 t1_j8s3wv2 wrote

I'm seeing some of your images in this sub from quite a time, and sometimes just looking at images I can tell that this is image by u/dasarpan007

Can You briefly explain the technique, settings and gear involve in this kind of photography (only if You want to).


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8t8u16 wrote

u/mohitpatel845 thank you for the compliment. The technique involved focus stacking but not exposure stacking, all the shots had the same exposure value. with modern-day cameras, you don't need multiple exposure values anymore, you can open the shadows easily in photoshop without any noise. Hope that helps


battlemetal_ t1_j8sw5xh wrote

Techniques used here include focus and exposure stacking, and then a lot of post processing. I don't mean that in a disparaging way, btw. These are lovely shots.


mohitpatel845 t1_j8szvp9 wrote

Thanks for replying

Yeah, I thought about focus stacking is involved, but not about exposure stacking untill you told , perfect distribution of light in all area of image make sense now. (And also lots of post processing)


boo_urns1234 t1_j8swva2 wrote

Get almost any modern camera with almost any decent lens. Focus stack so everything is sharp. Go to lightroom and crank that sharpness, contrast, and vibrance dials all the way to the right.


2mad2die t1_j8sabjv wrote

Can you give an exact location where this photo was taken?


aquilegia_m t1_j8sburk wrote

It's the Lac de Fenêtre in Valais, Switzerland.


Canilickyourfeet t1_j8sn13f wrote

Man what is your life like? I've sent your photos to my friends multiple times over the past month, theyre always so gorgeous. I can't imagine what it would be like to have the opportunity to consistently find places like this


FLORI_DUH t1_j8tsvak wrote

The photos are gorgeous, but the lifestyle isn't. Remember you're only seeing the most cherry-picked and heavily-edited results, not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to whats involved in capturing them. Not shown are hours of hiking, numerous blisters and bug bites, wild goose chases based on wrong directions, cloudy days, car troubles, hunger, fatigue, illness, gear problems, deadlines, etc, etc.


PopePopeTheThird t1_j8w1sx3 wrote

The Swiss alps aren’t in some deadly remote wilderness. What’s “involved in capturing” such pics is usually a train ride and a nice hike. And a lot of post processing.


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8t94f9 wrote

Hahaha thank you. Means a lot to see this kind of appreciation <3


127phunk t1_j8t0wxg wrote



TrickWeakness t1_j8t0gxg wrote

The shot look beautiful and unreal. Good job!


Mr--Joestar t1_j8vkmvx wrote

Awesome shot! How many images is this? Did you change focus between each image then stack them?


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8vtapz wrote

Yes, 4 fir foreground and 1 for the mountain. All same exposure value and same settings


Mr--Joestar t1_j8vu3yr wrote

Four for foreground?? Can you tell me where and why? Whats the benefit to just using a high aperture? The end product is clearly fantastic


cyk123 t1_j8wuszq wrote

Very beautiful but never want to step on those things. There are a lot, too!


AutoModerator t1_j8ruucs wrote

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Tit4nNL t1_j8s6c0e wrote

The rear layer is too obviously streched vertically. Any chance I can see the original? The rest of the pic is pretty damn nice.


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8sa3wi wrote

Nothing is stretched here, the clouds were just like that.


Tit4nNL t1_j8sceo2 wrote

Really, it all looks so weird must just be an illusion then.


300mhz t1_j8sggfs wrote

It's just a very wide angle lens causing pincushion distortion on the edges, you get a lot of that 'stretch' perspective shooting vertically.


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8t961z wrote



300mhz t1_j8tbq86 wrote

I do have a related question for you, as I do not have such a wide angle lens or much experience with this technique... but if you are doing focus/exposure stacking, at what point in the process do you do lens correction?


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8tebul wrote

Manually, when I am done with a focus on stacking the foreground and bringing the background layer on top of that. So after the stacking and before any global adjustment. It can be done in the end though...


300mhz t1_j8tl6ke wrote

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!


baconinthemorn t1_j8ualuo wrote

How many images did you stack for the focus? I just purchased an OM-1 and would love to better understand shots like this. Are you stacking in camera? Or in post?

Lovely shot!


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8v8fbe wrote

Four for the foreground and one for rest. Unfortunately my camera is too old for in camera stacking 🤣


baconinthemorn t1_j8vhbz6 wrote

Well you seem to take care of things quite well without it! Thanks for the insight!


toastibot t1_j8sjt09 wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


tropesuicida t1_j8sz86u wrote

stunning view and exquisite photo


haulapai t1_j8t2ua0 wrote

I can almost smell the fresh air.


Eraganos t1_j8taxjn wrote

Amazong. Were in swiss is it? I might hike there in sommer


Kamikazekagesama t1_j8tflx2 wrote

What are these plants in the foreground? They're really beautiful to me


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8tfp9u wrote



Kamikazekagesama t1_j8tg439 wrote

Do you know what type specifically? We have thistles where i live and there not nearly this aesthetically pleasing


IAmKind95 t1_j8tspmr wrote

Lol I don’t know about aesthetically pleasing, more like dangerous. Apparently it’s called “Spiniest Thistle” and i thought winged thistle looked dangerous


Ebonicus t1_j8thocp wrote

Absolutely surreal, love the composition and editing.


Strange-Ad-4586 t1_j8tl1xw wrote

that is so cool! I would give anything to visit there some day


Level_Ad_6372 t1_j8tmb15 wrote

Looks like a painful place to hike :)


RangoTheMerc t1_j8tng92 wrote

Looks like a great place for an adventure.


SubvocalizeThis t1_j8tq13u wrote

I know that lens and equipment is a very small part of this equation at this level of photography. However, I’m curious which ultra wide lens you’re sporting.


IAmKind95 t1_j8tssel wrote

that’s some gnarly looking thistle. nice mountains too


_fups_ t1_j8ttrv4 wrote

this is what happens. this is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.


nyanion69 t1_j8turkw wrote

what da heeeellll take my upvote


rLilyLizard t1_j8tuty4 wrote

I want to drink that water!


auntshooey1 t1_j8u03e2 wrote

Very beautiful picture. So well done.


MACMAN2003 t1_j8u3n0w wrote

those thorns are activating my fight or flight response


NAM31322 t1_j8up6e4 wrote

An to say Gods not real!!


IchKlauDeinBier t1_j8v6o22 wrote

Literally the most beautiful picture i've seen in months! 👍


sourpatch411 t1_j8v9yvc wrote

Wow! Amazing photo with real depth.


cantsleep2020 t1_j8vteir wrote

Ugh it looks so dreamy 😍😍😍. What kind of yellow flowers are those?


RatzzFace t1_j8w5g23 wrote

Some HEAVY Photoshop work going on there...


AVowl t1_j8wfkrh wrote



SellaTheChair_ t1_j8wkrn8 wrote

Those are some healthy thistles goddamn


rckmtl_rckmtl t1_j90cxjv wrote

I love how alive the dynamic clouds make this picture feel!


Scotsmania t1_j8t4utd wrote

The Witcher 4 is looking great.