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mohitpatel845 t1_j8s3wv2 wrote

I'm seeing some of your images in this sub from quite a time, and sometimes just looking at images I can tell that this is image by u/dasarpan007

Can You briefly explain the technique, settings and gear involve in this kind of photography (only if You want to).


dasarpan007 OP t1_j8t8u16 wrote

u/mohitpatel845 thank you for the compliment. The technique involved focus stacking but not exposure stacking, all the shots had the same exposure value. with modern-day cameras, you don't need multiple exposure values anymore, you can open the shadows easily in photoshop without any noise. Hope that helps


battlemetal_ t1_j8sw5xh wrote

Techniques used here include focus and exposure stacking, and then a lot of post processing. I don't mean that in a disparaging way, btw. These are lovely shots.


mohitpatel845 t1_j8szvp9 wrote

Thanks for replying

Yeah, I thought about focus stacking is involved, but not about exposure stacking untill you told , perfect distribution of light in all area of image make sense now. (And also lots of post processing)


boo_urns1234 t1_j8swva2 wrote

Get almost any modern camera with almost any decent lens. Focus stack so everything is sharp. Go to lightroom and crank that sharpness, contrast, and vibrance dials all the way to the right.