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festive_squirrel OP t1_j9zyugv wrote

No, Karen, we shan't. I don't own a vineyard, nor do I speak on behalf of Earth's wine-drinking populace. I'm sorry if agriculture triggers you - please feel free to argue your sanctimonious cause with someone who has an interest in this debate. All I did was post a picture (of unspoiled land, no less).


wetforhouseplants t1_ja06pl1 wrote

LMFAO omg I just ugly laughed so freaking hard. I love you. And this photo is gorgeous 😍


Logical-Coconut7490 t1_ja03hw8 wrote

Yes, it's a beautiful picture. I used to live there. I watched thousands of acres of that pretty forest destroyed.

Things are screwed when one is called sanctimonious for pointing out a simple truth and fact.

But hey, screw the Earth and all the animals... We've got some Wine to drink... Plenty Profit$ to make.

Oh, and Save the Rainforest... Lol
