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no-kooks t1_j6vix6z wrote

I just find it interesting that the one time it was intensively documented just happened to also be the time it was frowned upon.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vk198 wrote

The one time? The whole Grindadráp is documented extensively for like a century, it's extremely controlled and non-commercial. When some idiots got greedy and went on to hunt a dolphin herd they were shunted for it. I don't see what's not to understand here.


no-kooks t1_j6vlfze wrote

Drawing an arbitrary line beyond which a behavior is considered “reprehensible” by its practitioners can serve to legitimatize the general behavior by creating a pretense of ethical boundaries, such as when even the SS generals were “sickened” by the medical experiments carried out by the Japanese, or how the Mad Hatter would never do something crazy like put mustard on a broken watch but lemon was different.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vnmo6 wrote

You clearly have no intentions in expanding your pov about this beyond one story that was scandalised locally to try and see the hows and whys from the locals pov, so I'll let you make your nazi-comparisons in peace.


no-kooks t1_j6vojmb wrote

I have no intention of expanding my pov about whale slaughter in the 21st century, and the rest of the world is in nearly-unanimous agreement.


kelryngrey t1_j6whjt4 wrote

It looks gross and that upsets people.

Factory farming is absolutely horrific but most of the same people appalled by this still eat meat. Pigs and cows are very smart (pigs may be smarter than dolphins) but we don't seem to mind farming them because the squalor and suffering is out of sight. Whales and dolphins that live better lives being hunted seems awful because we can see it.