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Sol_Invictus t1_j54meh5 wrote

One in three is high praise.


Looooooong ago I worked as an assistant for a guy who shot for Playboy. Not any of the name guys; just someone trying to get in the door. Lots of competition.

When the photo editors would select the photo set for Playmate of the Month, they'd put the portfolios on a long conference table. The editors would walk around the table. Anything they didn't like for any reason at all, they threw on the floor. They just kept walking around the table, throwing stuff on the floor.

When they were done and couldn't find anything more to throw on the floor, then they started looking in earnest.

Any photographer there would have killed for one out of three.


Furbs109 OP t1_j54mvbv wrote

Wow, that must of been soul destroying for the photographers. When I say 1 in 3, the 1 is the shot that doesn't go straight in the bin. I looked back over last year's shots that I kept and edited, I think I was completely happy with about 15. The rest were ok.


I-melted t1_j54nujh wrote

That’s the very definition of artist. Be prolific, throw away most of your work, release the gold.


ammonium_bot t1_j56do3c wrote

> that must of been

Did you mean to say "must have"?
Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'.
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