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0Pretendica0 t1_j6omocw wrote

There's also Three Sisters in Oregon.


jnart24 t1_j6onca9 wrote

I made the mistake of thinking they were pictured here haha apparently there’s like 5 or 6 Three Sisters in the US alone. Not sure if there’s multiple in CA


AzLibDem t1_j6opq2m wrote

I climbed them the summer after high school.


BritniRose t1_j6p52ia wrote

And on the Dingle peninsula in Ireland, I believe?


Helda-Coccenmehand t1_j6nivl7 wrote

Just flew over the Canadian rockies on my way back from Alaska, and boy are my arms tired


wagstaffmedia OP t1_j6nihym wrote

Shot on Sony A7C with Sony 20mm 1.8G

Taken at f2.5 1/100 sec ISO-100 (with circular polarizer)

See more of my photos on Instagram @wagstaffmedia


OneLostOstrich t1_j6nvuuw wrote

The Sony cameras are really good. Comparing how long Sony's been making DSLRs to Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Fuji, Minolta, Leica, Panasonic, Olympus, Ricoh, Hasselblad and any other I missed, it's just impressive how good their cameras are.


trumpetplayingband t1_j6o3n38 wrote

Sony is really good! But they’ve been virtually out of the DSLR game for years now - the A7C is a mirrorless body.


Comfortable-Ad-9324 t1_j6o7zsg wrote

Heading to Canmore this weekend. It's been too long. Love the picture.


SpringAction t1_j6oea3s wrote

🇨🇦Banff/Canmore Rocky Mountains Region🇨🇦


Cypeq t1_j6oliz5 wrote

I like the perky one.


muse6815 t1_j6p7lx6 wrote

HEY! I work here!


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jnart24 t1_j6nx7ix wrote

Love these gals as well as nearby Jefferson.


Chardradio t1_j6o0gr8 wrote

There is no nearby Jefferson


jnart24 t1_j6o0rmk wrote

What? Mt Jefferson….you could literally see it from Sisters this past weekend?

Edit: Oh that’s actually funny. Didn’t realize there was a Three Sisters in Alberta. I was referring to Oregon. I’ll oops my way outta here haha


anaemic t1_j6ogvhc wrote

Turns out there are a LOT of mountains in the world called the three sisters...


jnart24 t1_j6oj9sc wrote

Never mind that haha I think there’s 6 in the US alone. Who knew they were all sisters.


toastibot t1_j6ordwp wrote

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