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tinason3 t1_j5yjiz8 wrote

I am fully convinced that Switzerland is not real. No place can be this stunningly beautiful without CGI. It's gotta be a conspiracy 😂


gstan003 t1_j5yoetr wrote

I went just to check for myself. Turns out its real. The people are really nice as well. Total package over there.


CelerMortis t1_j5ywl63 wrote

Probably my favorite country to visit. Only downside is everything is so expensive.


The-Dreaming-I t1_j60phry wrote

So very expensive. The French and Italian alps are also lovely.


rex_swiss t1_j5ytb96 wrote

It's not real, there's even a subreddit to post all of the evidence. r/SwitzerlandIsFake


StoryDreamer t1_j5zkbcf wrote

I just spent ten minutes browsing that subreddit and I honestly can't tell whether they're being sarcastic or not.


NoChaCha t1_j61253o wrote

It is supposed to be sarcastic, I think.


tinason3 t1_j5z2b27 wrote

I didn't know this existed, thanks! 😂


mrafinch t1_j5z7d9b wrote

Google what the landscape in Thurgau looks like and you’ll soon find out how beautiful Switzerland really is


thisothernameth t1_j5zjfgf wrote

Haha not sure if trolling or a true admirer of our apple and cherry orchards.


mrafinch t1_j5zjyk2 wrote

Ja seechaw! I am a proud resident of Frauenfeld!

But yeah, TG can be quite boring to some. I love it, reminds me of home :)


rex_swiss t1_j602cgf wrote

TG is great, beautiful farmland and rolling hills, and far away from the crowded cities and the tourist places. I've spent a lot of time there visiting friends. But oh my, I don't know how you survive November to January with about 2 sunny days per month. I guess I am spoiled living in the Sunshine State...


Ldefeu t1_j656q90 wrote

I never knew about Frauenfeld, apples and cherries are normal but a wife orchard is really something unique


tinason3 t1_j5zlpya wrote

Some of these pictures may be real (stupidly beautiful) but I'm gonna call bullshit on the architecture. Gotta be CGI, too gorgeous 😂


Sombra_del_Lobo t1_j5zlksq wrote

Have you ever seen Yellowstone National Park? Magical.


tinason3 t1_j5zm1ro wrote

It is. As an American, I can't call Yellowstone fake, but I can see your point 😂


pascalbrax t1_j603np7 wrote

Trivia: lots of the locations in lord of the rings have roots in Tolkien's visit to Switzerland.

I'd love to watch the movies shot in Switzerland, but New Zealand is a good second choice.


HZCH t1_j607zpt wrote

Appenzell is the literally greenest place I’ve ever seen, and I’m Swiss. I went there during summer, and the color of the grass was unreal.