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noahspurrier t1_itnrj8c wrote

What’s that rock near the middle?


justerikfotos OP t1_itomukx wrote

Hi, it seems like those rocks pop out because they're harder and more immune to weathering.


justerikfotos OP t1_itmo1kk wrote

Dear Redditors, I think one good reason to bring the long telephoto lens is for shots like this one. Zoom to 400mm and you're golden. I'm happy to find that rock which stands out in the composition. Editing-wise, I played with saturation and hue to make it even more contrasty. I hope it's not too much because sometimes I don't know when to stop.

If you like my photos, you can visit my Instagram for more!


ClarkJ_photog t1_itnfzs5 wrote

This is Utah?! Where do I find blue features in Utah? (I've never been, but have always wanted to visit.)


oldmaninmy30s t1_itnjzq2 wrote

Hanksville comes to mind, not sure where this was taken


IWantToBeWoodworking t1_itnl87i wrote

I would definitely say it’s Hanksville. Seems the picture was tweaked some cuz I remember them being much more gray but they do call it blue clay.


ClarkJ_photog t1_itnqqrm wrote

Well, I will have to add this into my list of places to visit after I move out to Nevada.


IWantToBeWoodworking t1_ito3qxd wrote

You can take a day or two and drive Highway 12 past Bryce Canyon, down to Escalante, over boulder mountain, and then to Capitol reef, not far from this. One of the prettiest drives in Utah, especially in the fall when the leaves are turning colors over the boulder. Some great hiking all along the drive too if that’s to your liking.


fuck_huffman t1_itojrry wrote

> Highway 12

The Staircase/50 Mile, Calf Creek, Kiva Coffee, Burr Trail, Boulder Mountain, Torrey/Loa, Goblin Valley, Henry Mountains.

I could spend a lifetime in that area.


ClarkJ_photog t1_ito4ztd wrote

Thanks for the tip! In screenshotting Ave sending to my wife. Lol


IWantToBeWoodworking t1_ito5rn1 wrote

For sure, if you want specific recommendations just let me know. My mom grew up right by Bryce Canyon so I know the area pretty well.


jeeptravel t1_itokg05 wrote

If you did a 1 month road trip around Utah, the only thing you’d do is add another 100 points of interest to your bucket list. It’s the most beautiful place in the world IMO. So much variety and unique landscapes.

Been to 37 countries and 36 states. If I was going to die in a week, I’d probably spend it overlanding in Utah


ClarkJ_photog t1_itrogld wrote

That is a strong endorsement! I've always been a beach/ocean person. My wife's new job is bringing us to the Vegas area, so I plan on making my way over to Utah when I can.


jeeptravel t1_itsmsnf wrote

Vegas is an excellent destination for outdoors activities. Sooo many places within a 5 hour drive. You could go on 3 day weekends to a new place every week and see something different for years


ClarkJ_photog t1_itspsjm wrote

I’m slowly starting to realize that. I’m looking forward to it. :)


jeeptravel t1_itsrt3i wrote

Plus cheap flights! If the summers weren’t so brutal I’d live there


justerikfotos OP t1_itommtx wrote

Hey it's near Hanksville and Cainville indeed. It's not super blue but the gentle blue hour lights did make it bluer than daylight. I tweaked it in LR to saturate it more.


derpstickfuckface t1_ito4zi7 wrote

I’ve had the opportunity to go all around the SLC area, definitely worth a visit if you love striking landscapes


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KingKongGodzilla t1_itnkuth wrote

Wow, that's just awesome. I love the random out of place red rock