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jch1013 t1_itf31lz wrote

This picture looked super stretched out, been here and the mountain is nowhere near this steep. Nice shot of the trail though


Paulsar t1_itfntcf wrote

You are very right. Luckily there are enough pictures from substantially the same perspective to easily confirm the image is manipulated.


porcupineapplepieces t1_itfx00x wrote

Interesting. I can see the difference you pointed out but I’m finding it hard so find how it was manipulated. Maybe it was just focal length? (Or whatever it is that makes distant objects appear bigger)


LordOfTheTorts t1_itgf8ai wrote

> I’m finding it hard so find how it was manipulated

Simply stretching the photo's upper third in the vertical direction in Photoshop or similar?

> Maybe it was just focal length? (Or whatever it is that makes distant objects appear bigger)

No, because then all dimensions would be equally scaled, i.e. the mountain wouldn't be just taller, but also wider, which it clearly isn't when compared to that other photo.

Edit: here's a quick "unstretched" version I made. Compare that to OP's photo and /u/Paulsar's image.


Paulsar t1_itgpv5n wrote

Completely agree. As a another simple check as well, if you Google "Mt Rainier Grand Park" you can see thousands of images with very similar looking size/aspect ratio and then compare to the OP and easily conclude it is stretched. If you have a hard time comparing visually, look directly at the angles of the side of the mountain profile.


smatchimo t1_itj5ye1 wrote

call me crazy... but googling every picture of every peak you ever see to confirm it's not been edited is fucking crazy person talk.


Paulsar t1_itj7qtd wrote

Who said you had to do that? I'm just saying for this example when it was called out from sometime familiar with the mountain.


shredika t1_itgkdfq wrote

I was goin to say… why does this look like Denali?


dhoepp t1_itgbdqu wrote

I don’t think it’s manipulated. I think it’s just perspective or lens distortion.


Paulsar t1_itgpaar wrote

I do a lot of photography. There is nothing you can do with your camera or lenses that would cause this. You realize the perspective and focal lengths are going to be almost identical in my example right?


dhoepp t1_itiv992 wrote

You could be right. Not sure exactly how someone would achieve this.


ancientflowers t1_iteq72l wrote

Oh wow! That's an amazing photo. The foreground and background together are incredible. You should post this on r/paths. They'd love it.


GSR_DMJ654 t1_itfju5f wrote

"It didn't take long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory - your victory - was so close... I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor - all burned and turned to glass. Everything...except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild."

Just add a split in the Mountain and a half burried Helmet in the foreground and you have that final cutscene in Halo Reach.


bakri_man t1_itfn3sv wrote

Where do you think Bungie is located ? Greater Seattle area


GSR_DMJ654 t1_itfnk2a wrote

I was more talking about the picture's framing. It is almost spot on for that cutscene.


KafkaSyd t1_itfhcvl wrote

How do you make mountains look big in pictures. I live in alaska for Christ's sake and the mountains always seem so small unless I'm on the side of one looking down. Haha!


BenCL648 t1_itghinq wrote

You use a Telephoto lense. When you zoom in it makes the background look much bigger than it actually is.


satellite779 t1_itgsv66 wrote

Nah. It was manipulated. This is how it looks even slightly more zoomed in.


tianas_knife t1_itg56bx wrote

Some of it is lenses, some of it is composition


KafkaSyd t1_itgbku1 wrote

Well that's about as vague as you can get.


tianas_knife t1_itgg7kx wrote

I was in a pagan passion play in 2007, which was run by a local group of Greek mythology enthusiasts. During rehearsal, one of the women in cast did a remarkable job acting as a hot tempered goddess. I asked her how she learned how to do it. She frustratingly responded "A masters in acting."

The suggestion to return to design basics is short, vague, and not completely unhelpful. There are bunches of different ways to get back to the basics, paying attention to composition and equipment first would quickly solve the problem of how to take a good picture of a mountain like Mt. Tahoma.

If you don't like understanding principal design elements, just keep trying to take the picture in different ways until you're happy with the result. I don't know what to tell you otherwise, there is basically no info given to start giving better advice from.


Groote-Eelende t1_ith9sx5 wrote

Wow, you need a lot of words to say absolutely nothing!


tianas_knife t1_itikevg wrote

Man. You get vauge to explain it so they don't feel insulted and they don't like it. Then you explain in detail, and they don't like that either.

Go take photography classes. You'll figure it out.


cgibsong002 t1_itgjk9k wrote

As mentioned, the question is basically "how do I do photography". Learn the basics, watch YouTube videos of landscape photography introductions and generally intro to photography. Knowing how to use an ilc and what different lenses do is kind of the first thing you should learn.


P0tatoK1ng t1_itey1v1 wrote

Which trail did you take to get this view? When we went we took one of the smaller trails as we were tight on time so sadly we didn’t get a good view of the peak itself.


Haxl t1_itfc3dy wrote

PRO TIP for anyone thinking of hiking up there in the summer, bring bug spray, a mosquito mesh hat, and a long sleeves dry fit shirt. I went there last summer with just bug spray and it was really really bad.


ProbablyPissed t1_itfn8vq wrote

+1. I got destroyed. Mesh face cover is a necessity.


[deleted] t1_itgg4ur wrote

Really, good to know. They are really this bad lol?


DriedUpSquid t1_iteku9e wrote

Was that today? It’s nice to be able to see the mountains again.


cd637 t1_itfhpix wrote

I don't think so. It was pretty cloudy/stormy most of today in western WA.


scillaren t1_itgaoyt wrote

I was up on grand park two weeks ago and the grass was totally brown; rains just started to it would be greening up yet. I would guess this was August or early September.


LocalNigerianPrince t1_itglfmu wrote

Impresssive how mt Rainer grew by about 2000 feet since last time I was there.

Seriously OP, it’s the most popular mountain in the cascade range, did you think nobody would notice?


at10ck t1_itetqta wrote



Mandze t1_itfkr3f wrote

“The mountain is out!”


atimholt t1_itfdznp wrote

I'm getting a lot of Baader-Meinhof surrounding Mt Rainier recently. First, I “went” there in Google Earth VR, then I went there as a Steam VR environment, and now this post. I've never been to Washington.


genuineshock t1_itel6cp wrote

🤩 looks amazing. I am now completely jealous.


milk543 t1_itfbii2 wrote

When did u take this photo


Somenamethatsnew t1_itg047e wrote

pretty sure that Noble six is lying dead somewhere close to here


ins1der t1_iti7pui wrote

Photoshopped as fuck.


Saleh70713 t1_itey2u5 wrote

Thats just… Beautiful


priapiism t1_itf16vw wrote

Wonderful composition. I would love to take that trail.


jamminturkey t1_itf5g8b wrote

Just added this to the list of places I need to go! So fuckin beautiful it looks fake lol amazing picture!


toastibot t1_itfc5wq wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


rieeechard t1_itfd0h4 wrote

I love that the trail kinda looks like it eventually e n do at the peak


blackjesus75 t1_itfp4u7 wrote

Trying to find it on maps. I’ve been working in Portland all summer and I’m quitting in a couple weeks to road-trip my way back home.

Would love to see this in person!


filsyn t1_itfqmzv wrote

That's a stunning landscape.


hagforz t1_itg3o1j wrote

Grand Park is otherworldly, one of my favorites.


Whitealroker1 t1_itg5vhf wrote

Active volcano that’s gonna Mt St Helens one day. Nephew and family live Puyallup River and will be having a bad day if it erupts.


guardiansword t1_itghlcc wrote

Beautiful ❤️ now this will make me want to seriously come to America … wow, just imagine the night sky from this place


jaydeflaux t1_itginbf wrote

Oh alright fine I'll get my ass up and take a trip over there, it's not too far away.


monkey_trumpets t1_itgjfv9 wrote

As someone who is fairly decrepit, is this trail flat?


Tomflocon t1_itgxpw0 wrote

This place looks like the best place for mountain bike


FR_FX t1_itgz0eu wrote

I would be terrified of bears or something


Miserable_End_3511 t1_ith493p wrote

my dream is to visit mt rainier someday! and your pic makes me even more excited about it.


WangtaWang t1_ith6zw2 wrote

Wow . real photo or photoshopped ? Either way, makes me miss the mountains.


logdeezy t1_ithpvdy wrote

That any good?


ajmh1234 t1_ithxxii wrote

Wonderful, just wonderful


simo1435 t1_iti4zj6 wrote

sweetly mountains


Snoot_Boot t1_itjdro9 wrote

Whoa what's your render distance?


peeintheshoweryaynay t1_itjuurc wrote

Rainer has swelled like a teenager’s whitehead and will pop at any moment. Why isn’t OP alerting the white house?


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smatchimo t1_itfed6h wrote

holy moly I never saw an image show the scale of this mountain before. wow.


smatchimo t1_itj5t2q wrote

I'd love to meet the types of people downvoting such an innocuous comment from someone not living in the area unaware of the edit.


MalevolentBaptist t1_itfy3ew wrote

>!yo smatchimo, did you know that your post contains all the letters for the sentence "I love gummy bears"?!<


Matduka t1_itfpzry wrote

Where's the fog I've heard so much about??

(Extremely niche Alice in Chains joke)


SirHomieG t1_itflp85 wrote

All you have to do is post a picture of a mountain here and you get tons of upvotes


Adduly t1_itfo3ua wrote

Well this is r/earthporn. People just love to look at tall big hard things sometimes with white stuff on the top I guess