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voitlander t1_iugjjd0 wrote

Beautiful composition and depth!


Mimosa_Coast t1_iugm5nk wrote

That is in my opinion the most hardcore earth pornography. Totally brilliant shot!


FollyGibney t1_iugqolj wrote

This is an absolutely unbelievable shot. Well done!


treeman26 t1_iugtg3h wrote

Nice shot. Just out of interest. Is the pool of light around the plant natural or is that all done in post?


lynchthesloth_ t1_iuh2tn8 wrote

Omg this is the best post I've seen in this subreddit. Keep up the good work mate!!


Atillion t1_iuhbj40 wrote

/squints.. looks grainy

^(Beautiful pic I'll see myself out..)


Octopus_Tenderloin t1_iuhmtnu wrote

Absolutely apocalyptic looking. Also; this is what I mentally picture Australia to look like, after reading posts that now have me convinced everything in Australia is trying to kill you. Including the scenery!


toastibot t1_iuig3uz wrote

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> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.