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ryan101 t1_iquiuy2 wrote

One day, Lake Louise, one day.


skuitarist t1_iquron0 wrote

Some real High Rock vibes. Looks too fantasy to be real


Bob-the-knob t1_iqv9udi wrote

Os this from Big Beehive? It looks amazing!


nova8nl t1_iqvivsx wrote

Absolutely stunning


FunkyChickenTendy t1_iqvrzqi wrote

Looks like the beehive hike, did this in May this year. Very nice shot!


DdvdD t1_iqxj05k wrote

Landscape is absolutely gorgeous, but the basic viewpoints are absolutely crawling with people. If you don't mind the massive hotel immediately behind you as well as 25 ($125/hr to rent) canoes in the lake it's great. On the upside it's super accessible so if you can't hike much it's the spot. Solid 4/10, one of the very few places in that area that look better in the pics such as OP's.


Rsmith3074 t1_iqy8gec wrote

Was just there last week and it's truly amazing to see in person. Couldn't bring myself to do that hike. Jealous of your views!


peregrine3224 OP t1_iqydnm2 wrote

Yeahhhh I did crop the hotel out of the picture lol. That’s why the dimensions are a bit weird. We did the Tea House Challenge, and even that was pretty busy. Everyone we super friendly and respectful though, so we didn’t mind it! Coming out of the mountains and back down to Lake Louise was a bit of a shock though. It was pretty obvious who were hikers and who weren’t lol. But as long as you know what to expect, it’s still absolutely worth it and I’d do it again!


peregrine3224 OP t1_iqyefnl wrote

Thanks! The trail to the Lake Agnes tea house wasn’t too bad! From there to the Big Beehive where this was taken was quite a struggle at times though, mainly the switchbacks. Those sucked immensely lol.


DdvdD t1_iqyfwfu wrote

It's a fantastic shot nonetheless! I didn't get the opportunity to hike up there, though I'd absolutely love to. I plan on moving out there for a few years to really give myself time to explore properly. I did the Joffre lakes hike a few weeks ago while visiting and absolutely loved the challenge of mountain trails. Quite a different area but unbelievable views the entire way up, particularly the second and third lake. Highly highly recommend it if you ever find yourself out that way again


peregrine3224 OP t1_iqygsj7 wrote

Thanks! It was quite the challenge for me since I wasn’t used to the elevation and had hurt my knee on day one, but if you can manage the switchbacks then the rest isn’t too bad! And I’m super jealous of your plan! I’d love to spend a lot more time out there. I fully intend to return someday. I haven’t heard of Joffre lakes, but I’ll look into it for sure!


Rsmith3074 t1_ir1uwlw wrote

Yeah I looked it up on All Trails and it was just straight up the entire way. 2500ft of elevation gain is a bit daunting for sure. I was curious though how the hike was to the Lake Agnes Tea house. It looked pretty straight for the most part.


peregrine3224 OP t1_ir5343i wrote

Getting to Lake Agnes wasn’t too bad! Good footing the whole way and a mild, but steady incline. It was probably the easiest part of the Tea House Challenge. And the Tea House itself was awesome! Good food and tea. It was busy, but not in a way that took away from the experience.


whatwhattwhattt t1_irc8pt6 wrote

Beautiful as always.

I haven't been to Lake Louise for a while now and want to take my father along with my dog. Is parking an issue this time of the year on the weekends?