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Honest_Its_Bill_Nye t1_it4ye76 wrote

My wife and I are going to Dublin for a week in late Nov/early Dec and there is a pretty good chance we will take the trip out there for some Princess Bride cosplay pics.


tuttym2 t1_it6dfa0 wrote

Not of your point of trip but if its for a weeks holiday please don't spend it in Dublin, there so many nicer places in ireland with way more things to do !


pastryfiend t1_it7i4hn wrote

We flew into Dublin and took a bus tour to see the sites. Then spent the next 8 days driving all over, what a wonderful country. The one nicer weather day was when we went to the cliffs, it's like it was meant to be. I knew that I'd enjoy Ireland, but didn't realize just how much.


Honest_Its_Bill_Nye t1_it8pcvg wrote

Unfortunately we really do not have a lot of time in town, and we basically have 1 day scheduled for "out of Dublin."

What are your suggestions for places to see from Dublin by car in a 10-14 hour day of traveling?


tuttym2 t1_it9cck0 wrote

It's definitely worth trying to head up to the giants causeway. The cliffs of mohar are a no brained and can't be missed on the West Coast. If you could do 1 night out of Dublin I'd recommend dingle, it's a town on kerry for the coast and is amazing but also is near Skellig michael where star wars was filmed. Belfast has the titanic existence and also has opened up a game of thrones experience where it was filmed which could be combined with the giants causeway. Sorry if I'm rambling there lots to see, feel free to ask questions :)


northstarjackson t1_it703fs wrote

The true beauty of Ireland is outside the city. Dublin is pretty meh.


bro_salad t1_it7olds wrote

I’ll be the 3rd person to tell you the same thing. Get out of Dublin as much as possible.

Also, when you get to the cliffs, go past the main parking lot and drive another minute or two, then turn right. There’s a family that lets you park on their land for cheap (£3 I think). A quick walk and you can enjoy a portion of the cliffs that has 95% less tourists.