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Alba-Indy t1_jc4jxdi wrote

What an amazing picture. Great detail when zooming in. Love the Ents caught dancing on the lower left corner.


[deleted] t1_jc5k1wt wrote



thx1138- t1_jc4x2ue wrote

Every time I hear the phrase "the ends of the earth" -- I think of this place.


Sn00ker123 t1_jc6tzw5 wrote

Doing the W trek here in 9 days šŸ˜Ž

Can't wait!


DrDohday t1_jc76b6p wrote

Do the Glacier Grey kayaking! Very worth it


Sn00ker123 t1_jca4qel wrote

Sounds absolutely amazing! Unfortunately we fly out straight after the W Trek. But we will have been in Patagonia for a month so we have had some amazing experiences!


cemv123 t1_jc6qam5 wrote

Im from Chile, and never it has crossed my mind the idea of calling this place "TDP", it honestly sounds kind of ridiculous. Is it really that hard to type the whole name? lol

Nice picture tho


kris533d t1_jc6jcd3 wrote

The world is beautiful enough as it is. Why PS?


sircaseyjames t1_jc7nlov wrote

Something seems fucky here almost like an AI image. Zoom in on the trees by the water.


monochromefav t1_jc59dpx wrote

Absolutely loved my time down in TDP


Dreddlocks t1_jc61if2 wrote

It really looks amazing, would you say you need a car to travel around down there?


monochromefav t1_jc6239d wrote

if you have the option to get a personal vehicle, iā€™d recommend an AWD or 4x4 vehicle if possible since a marjory of the roads within the national park are gravel and in times of rain, the extra traction would be helpful.

if you plan on taking a bus in and hiking, popular spots are kinda far to be walking so iā€™d recommend some kind of transportation.


VileTouch t1_jc7bo5h wrote

> iā€™d recommend some kind of transportation.

Not a bicycle, though. You will end up having to carry it around or leave it behind.


slyseekr t1_jc726fo wrote

Honestly, one of the most arrestingly beautiful places on the planet. Each valley on the W has a distinctly unique microclimate and the lakes are that beautiful glacial aquamarine.


hbhatt25 t1_jc5zh3o wrote

TDP really is a special place


VevroiMortek t1_jc6xfzl wrote

"When God created the world he had a handful of everything left: mountains, rainforests, deserts, oceans, cactus, lakes, glaciers, volcanoes-and he put it all in his pocket. But there was a hole in this pocket, and as God walked across heaven it all trickled out, and the long trail it made on the earth was Chile."


gwaydms t1_jc5bxko wrote

Beautiful sky. Nice fluffy lenticular clouds.


toastibot t1_jc5gvic wrote

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> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


JackTaufer t1_jc7f370 wrote

I would like to witness this with my own eyes , before this should departs.