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416warlok t1_jajo4nw wrote

So I'm just some pleb who has never seen the northern lights... I do think though, that if I were to see them, they would never look as bright and as colourful as basically every photo seems to portray them. I could be wrong, but I'd be very surprised if they looked like this photo with the naked eye.


TheValxyrie t1_jak5ody wrote

If you're able, take a trip to Northern Norway between October and March, and unless you're very unlucky, you'll be in for a big surprise!

Source: I launch rockets into the northern lights so that scientists can study them.


DBGames01 t1_jaknxv2 wrote

I soldered the PCBs for UNH’s instrumentation on ACES II. Small world lol


TheValxyrie t1_jalk348 wrote

I'm the manager for the Telemetry & Radar department at Andøya Space. Small world indeed! ACES II was an amazing launch.


awesommazing OP t1_jakefu1 wrote

I said the same thing too! Ive been taking photos of them for a while and I thought them dancing and being very vivid is a myth. I also heard from alot of long time northern locals that that sunday night northern lights was just especially strong. The colors were really vivid. It was so strong it was reported to be seen all the way down to Colorado