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ghostmrchicken OP t1_j3yy05g wrote

This was originally released by Netflix. It has to be seen to be believed. So many people, especially the locals were adversely financially impacted by this organizer’s inability to admit failure.


nerowasframed t1_j3zwxrr wrote

This picture was produced by Fuck Jerry Media, which is never disclosed in the film. It downplays the role that Fuck Jerry had in the failed Fyre Festival, and paints the company's actions in a positive light.


kw0711 t1_j40i98v wrote

Hulu produced a competing documentary called Fyre Fraud that was not produced by Fuck Jerry


loquacious706 t1_j40q1mq wrote

They're great companion pieces to each other.


koenigsaurus t1_j415ccs wrote

It was pretty wild that they released pretty much simultaneously, and both have a unique perspective that adds to the story. I watched them back to back while sick at home with the flu and it was a little comforting to watch all these people having a worse time than I was at the time.


nomadicfangirl t1_j41zmxq wrote

Agreed. I feel like Netflix’s talks about where things went wrong from an event planning standpoint, while Hulu’s did it from a cultural standpoint.


Richard_Sauce t1_j43wf8y wrote

Yes! I think are necessary to understand the clusterfuck that was Fyre as they both emphasize different aspects. It's also a good exercise in comparative film study.


undisclosedinsanity t1_j41dz6o wrote

Yeah the Netflix doc seemed to seek to entirely absolve Fuck Jerry in the mess.

The Hulu doc introduces Fuck Jerry's position nicely for the unfamiliar.


vandebay t1_j41kqlz wrote

Who the hell named their company Fuck Jerry? Jerry himself, Jerry’s ex-wife?


hgs25 t1_j41lkxg wrote

It was founded by Rick Sanchez.


ZanzibarColtrains t1_j44x560 wrote

Is Rick dirty by chance?


hgs25 t1_j4507zu wrote

Idk about dirty, but he turned himself into a pickle once. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


StuartGotz t1_j3z35wn wrote

So funny to see the reactions of the rich people when they arrive and see the shitty tents they're supposed to sleep in.


oh-hidanny t1_j3zpnzp wrote

Apparently, this is a big misconception.

The first groups to come paid around $200. Which is actually really cheap for a music festival and a place to stay (if it would have worked out).


Svenskensmat t1_j4039og wrote

Similar type of tent package for Tomorrowland costs €1,400. It includes flight tickets (at least in Europe) too though.

As well as an actual festival.


Richard_Sauce t1_j43xchb wrote

Eh, they spent 200 for the ticket, then hundreds more for travel, and who knows how much they put into the cashless currency system.

I don't know that they were rich, but they weren't poor.


oh-hidanny t1_j445hhj wrote

That doesn't make them rich.

People budget, it doesn't make them wealthy to afford a trip for $500. Dirt poor? Probably not. But rich? No. Not based off of $500. Lol.

Edit: and that's a lot of assumptions you made. Lol.


alabasterwilliams t1_j3zi046 wrote

The best part is they knew about sleeping in tents, and some were miffed that they had tents to sleep in.

Like, I understand they were billed as luxury tents, but…a tent is a tent is a tent.


Jpark2485 t1_j3zya07 wrote

But… according to most documentary evidence, tents, luxury or not, were not all set up and created a free for all in securing your domicile. That’s the whole point of how fucked up things became. Lord of the flies type shit.


Caveman108 t1_j442u37 wrote

I’ve done glamping at a music fest before and those tents get pretty fancy. Most are very spacious geodesic domes, have very comfortable beds, chargers, side tables, and usually are in a separate area with premium food and drink vendors.


Enshakushanna t1_j3znumw wrote

some tickets were going for only 1000 dollars bro, its not just rich people like the stupid memes wouild like you to believe...


_aaine_ t1_j407yf9 wrote

I've watched this doco a couple of times now and it's still just jaw dropping.
The level of self belief this guy has is....admirable?
He's like the poster child for a generation raised on participation trophies and told they can do anything if they just try hard enough, regardless of talent or natural ability.


DirtyRoller t1_j409ay0 wrote

All I can think of watching this doc is how much he reminds me of my brother, who is in prison.