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WikiSummarizerBot t1_izx1i84 wrote

Unarius Academy of Science

>Unarius is a non-profit organization founded in 1954 in Los Angeles, California, and headquartered in El Cajon, California. The organization purports to advance a new "interdimensional science of life" based upon "fourth-dimensional" physics principles. Unarius centers exist in Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and various locations in the United States. Unarius is an acronym for "Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science".

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JiggyJerome t1_izyr4cz wrote

How do people on this site openly acknowledge how corrupt, and vile the police organizations are, and yet still ignorantly believe the ATF’s (another govt backed gang) propaganda when it comes to the atrocities at Waco and Ruby Ridge? In both of those scenarios federal government agencies mentally tortured, and ultimately murdered innocent US citizens, and then painted these victims as evil monsters to trick the public into believing these reprehensible agencies were the good guys.

A content creator on youtube named Wedigoon has an incredible and intricate documentary on what REALLY happened at Waco, and it’s a must see for those who still believe the victims at Waco were crazy pedo cultist’s.
