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Obizues OP t1_jaczb4u wrote


BOHIFOBRE t1_jaczpqt wrote

Could have gotten broken. Easy to replace though.


Obizues OP t1_jaczuts wrote

So just install a new one?


BOHIFOBRE t1_jad0boz wrote

If needed. If it is the pneumatic door closer, a new one should mount in the same holes. I could be completely wrong about what's actually broken though.


shoziku t1_jadeceu wrote

The door may have been forced open further than usual, taking it out of adjustment. They normally have 2 adjustments. One is closing speed, and the other is the latch. Sometimes both are adjusted by the same screw, (hydraulic) where a quarter turn adjusts the latch and a full turn adjusts the speed.


cheapbasslovin t1_jad2kx1 wrote

I don't see one in that video, which leads me to believe they took it off to make it easier to go in and out


Obizues OP t1_jad3b8j wrote

Lol and then they just took it?!


cheapbasslovin t1_jad4smw wrote

If I were to do something like that I would set it down somewhere and then forget about it. I have no idea what they did.


Obizues OP t1_jad5lhw wrote


cheapbasslovin t1_jad6cgd wrote

Maybe a spring in the track? I've not seen that style before.


Nearfall21 t1_jaebquq wrote

Looks like a screw is missing that would tighten down and hold tension on the track that bar slides upon.

Look around the ground in that area. The movers might have loosened it and then it fell on the ground while the door was swinging in the wind.


vee_lan_cleef t1_jadmqsk wrote

So, that spot at the top of the door frame where there are 4 screw holes is where the standard pneumatic door closer would have gone, you can even see the mounting bracket in the link provided and how it matches. If there was one installed on this door, there would be some screw holes in the top of the door. If not, then this door was replaced with this different style of closer that I have also never seen before.

I'm not exactly sure if the sliding bar that's on there now is supposed to provide some spring force, it looks like it's just for guidance and there is supposed to be a pneumatic cylinder mounted there as well, but I could be wrong.
