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HomoplataJitz t1_ja9fspb wrote

I'm gonna go on my hunch and say that might be the tar backed vapor barrier on the fiberglass insulation that you're seeing there. Too uniform otherwise ...


threwthelookinggrass OP t1_ja9ge4t wrote

Here is the best pic I have of the insulation backing from when I opened the lower walls.


HomoplataJitz t1_ja9p5p5 wrote

Yeah that's your classic tar paper. Doesn't look like you have mold to worry about ... Just the asbestos and lead.


Sid15666 t1_ja9ms99 wrote

If you go down the rabbit hole of testing I hope your budget handle that. Mask up with good respirator, googles, and plenty of ventilation and rent a small dumpster.


threwthelookinggrass OP t1_ja9n2i8 wrote

The company I used to test the dry wall only charged $50 a test. If the plaster is not asbestos I think I can handle it on my own. If it is asbestos that's probably not something I want to do myself.


Icy-Ad-9142 t1_jaaudtm wrote

Smart move, always hire pros for asbestos. If you fuck it up, you might not know until it's too late.