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nill0c OP t1_j939wm7 wrote

That would work if there was an 11/16 compression fitting out there. The problem is that the only part of the exposed pipe that's 5/8 (1/2 inch) is mostly stuck in the valve.

I think my new solution might be cutting it off as far from the wall as possible, then I'm pretty sure the remaining pipe will slip fit over 1/2 copper. So I can then sweat in a regular copper pipe (which I'm pretty sure how it's attached inside the wall), and attach a standard valve to the new 1/2 pipe.

It's a bit risky because I don't know the ID of the pipe I'm cutting, but it feels really thin (and already dented easily when I was monkeying around early on).


quackdamnyou t1_j93c6if wrote

Must be prepared to dig in through that closet if it comes to it.


nill0c OP t1_j97c8ny wrote

Id be happy to if it was a closet, it’s the the corner of a bedroom wall with no good way to hide a hole without drywall and paint.