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bill_gannon t1_j9ht93e wrote

It needs to be welded. You could do some creative fabrication but just take it apart and get it welded.


FesteringNeonDistrac t1_j9i5xd8 wrote

Yeah I would weld that, but I have a welder. If I didn't, I would still try and get that welded, nothing else will last.


huntsvillian t1_j9i5xvl wrote

This x 100. It broke, and it broke there for a reason. JB Weld isn't going to cut it.

In fact given that it cracked around a factory weld/location/mounting point, it probably needs some reinforcement as well.


Mildly_Angry_Biscuit t1_j9i1cus wrote

That is definitely a joint that's under flexing stress; anything other than a brazing or welding repair will not last. If you can free up that part so its available, a weld repair on that is maybe a 10-15 minute job (especially if you don't mind it not looking perfect!).


yoBlriG t1_j9hmysd wrote

Video is not much more helpful than the picture. It needs more context. I can't tell where the forces are coming from or how you could get at the failure to repair it. Likely adhesive won't work. You probably need to find some way to buttress the joint.


Pravus_Belua t1_j9ide6d wrote

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