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Enginerdad t1_ja0zi5d wrote

Sideways as in in the plane of the wall. Up, down, left, right, or any angle in between those. Usually the load is down because well, gravity. Just not in toward the wall or out away from the wall.


particlemanwavegirl t1_ja19zzh wrote

So you meant lateral? Why not say that? You've broken like three conventions at once, it's very confusing.


Enginerdad t1_ja1dpjt wrote

Because a bunch of laypeople may not know what lateral means, and I'm trying to make the information as accessible as possible. That's also why I explained shear and tension.

But also because lateral is no more accurate or precise than sideways. Lateral loads are horizontal, as made distinct from vertical loads. The most correct terms are shear and tension loads, or possibly in-plane and out-of plane loads.