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bobdiamond t1_j3pwnsu wrote

Are you pretty handy with cars, or did you just figure it out along the way?


toodleroo OP t1_j3pxwah wrote

Fairly handy, but I haven't done a project quite like this before. There's really not a lot to it if you've got the basic tools. It's just a matter of noting the order of removal so that you put things back on correctly, and then fiddling a lot with the fit to get it all right. I live fairly close to a lot of salvage yards and enjoy hunting through them. Also having a Toyota dealership close by to replace small broken parts and clips is helpful.


PIPBOY-2000 t1_j3r8jc7 wrote

The fiddling to get things to fit is the part that cannot be understated. For me that's a massive portion of doing anything myself.

I see a how-to youtube video and think "Oh that looks easy" and then I proceed to take way longer than the guy in the video to get that one thing to actually fit in or come off right.


Shuggaloaf t1_j3s6oa2 wrote

Just add a few points to your repair skill, you'll be good to go.


PIPBOY-2000 t1_j3sb5se wrote

What I really need is the jury-rigging perk


Shuggaloaf t1_j3sft7i wrote

Wait... do you mean jury-rigged or jerry-rigged?

edit: TIL both terms can mean the same thing


PIPBOY-2000 t1_j3siuhq wrote

Jury rigging is what fallout calls it. Which is what I thought we were referencing


Shuggaloaf t1_j3spyiw wrote

Yeah we're referencing FO and I never caught that!

They must have mixed up the term (or did it on purpose as a kinda joke).


PIPBOY-2000 t1_j3sqjjr wrote

According to Google jury rigging is the right term? Jury rigged is just the past tense form


Shuggaloaf t1_j3srtn1 wrote

Interesting! I'm from the mid-atlantic US and we always said "jerry-rigged". I just looked it up and found this:

>The word jerry-rigged may be a blend of jury-rigged and jerry-built, or it may be a variant pronunciation or spelling of jury-rigged. Jerry-rigged is found by the late 19th-century.

> In everyday speech, the word jerry-rig is widely used, though some sticklers insist that it’s incorrect. It’s sometimes used in journalism as well. Its definition is the same as jury-rigged.

So I'd say you are more correct than I since "jerry-rigged" seems to be derived jury-rigged and jerry-built (never heard that one). although jerry-rigged has been used since at least the late 1800's, it's probably more regional and hasn't been used as long as jury-rigged.

Glad to have left my earlier comment, learned something new today! :)


PIPBOY-2000 t1_j3stfoc wrote

Wow that's interesting, now that you mention it, outside of fallout I've heard people say "Jerry rigged" but for some reason the fallout use "jury" never seemed off to me.

Thanks for sharing what you learned! (:


Shuggaloaf t1_j3tlcwa wrote

No worries! And when you said jury-rigged I was thinking like rigging a jury. Like for a court case. haha

Also, a crazy coincidence, I was just searching for something and was scanning through one of the links I clicked and I see this:


Leiryn t1_j3rnka6 wrote

People get mad at me when I say some things aren't that hard you just have to figure out how and do the work, they don't want to do either of those things


toodleroo OP t1_j3s7wkt wrote

I was fixing something at the office one day, and was switching between a bit and a philips head driver in the cordless drill. My coworker saw me do this and was like, “wow! How did you learn to be so handy?” I said something like “from my parents,” but inside I was thinking that using a drill ain’t rocket science. People just seem to have an aversion to learning how to do new things, which is a shame because it’s easier than ever with the resources available online. What I think is impressive is that my dad was doing the same things 50 years ago without the benefit of youtube.


Crrunk t1_j3tx8ky wrote

I agree.. some time ago you got a HomeOwners Manual or something along those lines and if it wasn't in there you had to figure it out or ask the guy down at your local hardware store... Being handy required literal know how and experience... Now we have access to information to just about anything at our literal fingertips.. It's amazing!


achenx75 t1_j3s4x9v wrote

Once you've done it a few times, the confidence to know what to do is second nature. That's why doing things for the first time seems that much more least that's what I think.


bobdiamond t1_j3sd8xj wrote

Not speaking for everyone, but the hesitation for me is the fear of making an irreversible mistake and causing more problems than when I started. I know that's how you learn, but it's friction nonetheless