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Face999 t1_j50qxf6 wrote

Just frickin' meter it. One of those goes to that outlet.

Pull the outlet and look and see if that red wire is there.

Use a meter and check continuity.

This is basic,basic electric 101 - and you are over your head.

If any of this means nothing - stay the fuck out of your electric and call someone.


Nuker-79 t1_j519ipw wrote

This guys an electrician and sick of dealing with peoples mistakes after attempting DIY.


Face999 t1_j51ab1u wrote

Just a DIY'er, but I've had some good training and experience - Not U-Tube U.


Nuker-79 t1_j51akql wrote

I been working with electrics/electronics for 2 and a half decades, I will try most things around the home due to the experience. However if in any doubt, I do my research or call in a pro.