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n0m_n0m_n0m t1_j68b0ng wrote

Bleach doesn’t kill the roots of mold, only the surface.

Vinegar or a mold-specific treatment would kill the mold thoroughly, but until you find the source of the moisture (eg is a sprinkler pointed at that wall?? broken gutter? plumbing issue??) you’re masking the symptoms, not fixing the cause.


Fleshwound2 t1_j68ira1 wrote

This just says "detergent"


n0m_n0m_n0m t1_j68liv2 wrote

I included the EPA link because it specifically mentions not to use bleach, but instead a mold-killing detergent or agent, and also mentions that cleanup isn’t enough: the underlying cause needs to be addressed.

Use of white cleaning grade vinegar as an agent which kills many types of mold is covered here, if that’s more useful to you:


JJJupes OP t1_j68szhq wrote

I believe it's just the amount of condensation it gets. I have a dehumidifier on 24/7 and I still have to mop the walls every morning.