Graflex01867 t1_j00rsip wrote
Warm, damp fabric/rope of any kind sounds like a mold magnet.
FlufflesMcForeskin t1_j01aodq wrote
If it's actual paracord, then it's made of Nylon. Nylon neither rots, nor supports mold growth. It also dries much quicker than other materials.
It is highly resistant to molding, but it's not impossible, and it is used in food packaging.
Ururuipuin t1_j01bbmw wrote
Fishing line maybe
ShanghaiNick t1_j00r3fq wrote
Get a little piece is SS chain. No Paracord is not food safe and will leech chemicals in the heat of water.
FlufflesMcForeskin t1_j01avth wrote
Since Paracord (if genuine) is Nylon, then it's generally safe in this situation. Nylon is, after all, used in food packaging.
Nylon is mold resistant and does not rot.
If you do go this route, just gut the paracord and use one of the inner nylon core threads. They're pretty thin and would work here.
All of that said, just replace the chain? Chain is cheaper than paracord anyway.
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schulzie420 t1_j00olzt wrote
Fix the chain? Or replace it with another chain?