BridgetteBane t1_iyaafo4 wrote
Contact the company and ask for a new set. You paid for a product and should get it.
DotAccomplished5484 t1_iy9zz4x wrote
You could try ironing then. Put a towel over the card, no steam, and quickly pass the iron over the cards.
This, BTW, is just a guess.
BreadfruitSalty5186 t1_iya063x wrote
I was thinking that but I’m scared it will melt them. I’ll give it a go anyway
DotAccomplished5484 t1_iya87j2 wrote
What have you got to lose by trying it out one one?
leigh094 t1_iya5l1d wrote
I think you deserve a refund
copygod1 t1_iyadgp4 wrote
Have them replaced, as a printer myself, what you describe is unacceptable.
Doxxingisbadmkay t1_iybre2n wrote
Dude. balls. get some!
nsa_reddit_monitor t1_iya0a9k wrote
Try asking the printer for a refund or something since the cards are defective.