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A_Plumber2020 t1_ixm4rae wrote

You may have some "pitting" on the "seat" area of the valve body (the whole brass assembly) where the cartridge (which you replaced) comes into contact with the valve body. They make specific tools for smoothing these back out, although often you can get by with some sand paper. If the seat face is not completely smooth then the o-rings cannot seal and you will get water coming past the cartridge.


YeaSpiderman OP t1_ixm8wiv wrote

That’s a great idea. It did look a bit weathered but nothing came off with my finger when I saw that initially.


YeaSpiderman OP t1_ixmif5x wrote

Would a little bit of silicone grease on the gasket help out at all?


YeaSpiderman OP t1_iy8otl5 wrote

Took a picture inside the valve seat. Tried my best to get some sandpaper in there and some of the oxidation came off.

Any thoughts based on what you see?

Could it be a washer in the actual faucet that is allowing water to drip?