Submitted by Apprehensive-Handle4 t3_z5qute in DIY
Submitted by Apprehensive-Handle4 t3_z5qute in DIY
Those are mollies. There is a piece on the back that prevents you from removing them, which is how they work. I’d suggest taking a chisel and sliding it behind them, gradually shearing off the plastic. The part inside the wall can stay there, and you can use joint compound to patch the hole.
Could also use a drill and just drill the center right out.
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Insert a phillips head screwdriver slightly larger than the center hole, smack the back of the screwdriver. The center will go into the wall an the outsude will easily pull away from the wall. Spackle the hole.
Out of curiosity what would you suggest a person googling to find an answer about what it is "Strange plastic square thing in my wall" doesn't yield any results
I appreciate all your help everyone, thank you for letting me know what they are, I successfully removed them without damaging the wall.
[deleted] t1_ixxlhee wrote