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mlyster67 t1_ix6lvj6 wrote

You are likely going to need to move your mount. I personally will toss the screws that they come with, go to the hardware store and grab a few 3/8" lag bolts and make sure those go in a stud. I've put up numerous mounts and my 350+lb ass can hang from the mount with no problem


Scared-Candy3607 t1_ix6nq5n wrote

Is there wood in your walls? Down south widespread use of metal studs. If they are metal you need a product like toggler. And make sure you catch the studs Doing this professionally for 6 years


Half_burnt_skunk t1_ix6uhkv wrote

Is it wood or drywall?

In my personal experience, it sounds like you screwed directly into drywall and didn't anchor into studs.

I would recommend checking the material you're screwing. If it is drywall, use a drywall anchor which requires pre-drilling holes before placing the plastic insert into the wall.

If it is wood, I'd recommend a stud finder to anchor into the stud of the wall.

There's a lot of variables. The first is ensuring it's not drywall. A simple screw in drywall will not hold much weight.


rickmesseswithtime t1_ix6y4o1 wrote

Can you pull the screws out by hand? If you found wood I have seen people have screw shafts break because they didnt pre drill.


CabinetSpider21 t1_ix7r9uq wrote

I just asked a similar question, but was taken down for some odd reason.

It is always recommended to find a stud for tv mounting. In my house my studs are very far apart so I opted to only put one side of my tv mount into studs, I used 1/4" toggle bolts in 4 other spots (middle and other side) holds the tv plus me at 170 pounds


Guygan t1_ix7v5y4 wrote

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