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Environmental-Sock52 t1_iudu4y2 wrote

The only explanation I can think of is your gas dryer wasn't hooked up properly. Where I live the gas company will hook them up free, and then your electric dryer is defective.


gimvaainl t1_iudu63a wrote

Definitely a ghost. They want a laundry line.


brock_lee t1_iudui4c wrote

Since gas and electric heat in entirely different ways, the reasons they are not heating are unrelated. For the gas dryer, well, we have no history, so it could just have been dead. The electric dryer probably got damaged in transport, OR the new electric was not hooked up properly. It is possible, although unlikely, to install a 240v outlet improperly, so that the dryer runs but won't heat.


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JimmyJoeJohnstonJr t1_iudv2na wrote

This guy is absolutely correct . I had a house years ago and my dryer didn't heat I spent a fortune having repair men look at and finally one figured out the 240 plug was wired wrong . it would spin fine but it would not heat


yegmoto t1_iudvn15 wrote

The common issue could be the venting, check to see if the vent is plugged.