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plaidbanana_77 t1_iud6xv2 wrote

Yes. You need to add a raditor double but wide and increase the wind speed of the cooling fire. Easy.


drdogbot7 t1_iud8dpq wrote

No no adding a second open fire in opposite to cancel the cooling of the first is how to fix


plaidbanana_77 t1_iud8zlu wrote

Oh. You’re right. Makes more sense this way because the first fire is cooling and the additional double but wide raditor won’t cancel the cooling fire only the long but short raditor. So smart.


nudistinclothes t1_iudbgso wrote

I presume the fire is turned off? Have you bled all the air out of both radiators?

There’s a damper in our chimney that we can close when the fire is off - it stops draughts. If the fire is on, the bigger problem is generally that the thermostat sees that the room is hot, so shuts off the central heating. If that’s the case you may want to reposition the thermostat

So, either block up the chimney or move your thermostst


Slim_slothful_yeti t1_iud9i5b wrote

Round here it's only a matter of time before the jackdaws block the chimney with a nest. I think you can get bladders to push up the flue and inflate, but this can/will cause a damp problem. A traditional firescreen will somewhat break up the draft. Our house had a pillow pushed up the flue when we bought it. We now have a wood burning stove, which stops the draft (draught?) lit or not.


ChevExpressMan t1_iuddf7g wrote

Years ago, we had a house with fireplace "dampner" which was built into the fire place. I was totally bummed when the fireplace pulled away from the house and was demolished.


_catkin_ t1_iuda4u2 wrote

You can get something to plug the chimney , google “chimney sheep” to see what I mean. Obviously have to remove it to use the open fire.

It’s spelled “radiator” by the way.


eye_spi t1_iudcf7x wrote

>It’s spelled “radiator” by the way.

I legit thought he meant two Redditors in a room...


Tyrdh t1_iudqkcy wrote

Me too hahahaha was reading this as a joke and waited for a punchline lol idiot.


RngdZ t1_iudayca wrote

the fire, is cooling, the room?


mrpasciak t1_iudbxxh wrote

Yep. The up-draft creates a suction that draws the air out of the room and up the chimney.


RngdZ t1_iudxec3 wrote

when the fireplace isnt in use.. warm air will escape up the chimney pulling air from the room with it.

but when there is fire, the radiation from the fire does not cool the room.

OP's english isnt that great. not quite sure what open fire means.


dinobug77 t1_iue5zwz wrote

Nothing wrong with OPs English. An open fire is a commonly used description for a fireplace where you have a real log/coal burning fire.

u/novatroop77s it looks like you may be in the UK - if so then you will get more UK specific advice and help on r/DIYUK


sloppysauce t1_iude3hr wrote

Fireplace. Cool air is drafting down the chimney and into the room.


RngdZ t1_iudxp52 wrote

no, that's not how it works. hot air rises and escapes, pulling air from the room with it, while the fireplace isnt in use.


sloppysauce t1_iue2ur5 wrote

Those must be some powerful radiators, then.


kingvolcano t1_iuf68dn wrote

Maybe get a chimney balloon?


chopsuwe t1_iufjd9e wrote

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MortQ42 t1_iudf6qr wrote

Ceiling fan could help.


joecoin2 t1_iudga8i wrote

Move the couch.


novatroop77s OP t1_iudwzgq wrote

Its not blocking a raditor


joecoin2 t1_iuhg0r8 wrote

No, but it's sitting in the cold spot. Easiest and cheapest solution is to to move it.


effdallas t1_iudpczt wrote

a radical redditor?