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AutoModerator t1_isqf75a wrote

###Please read this entire message in length before messaging the moderators or you will not receive a response.
Hi New-Replacement-8784,

Your post has been automatically flagged for removal because it appears you are asking:

  • for brainstorming ideas.

  • how to "get started" on a project.

  • what is the best method or approach to a project.

  • whether or not you should do a project.

  • if anyone has used a product, or for a product recommendation.

While we do allow questions in /r/DIY, they must relate to a specific aspect of a project, include the research you've done to find an answer yourself and explain why that research didn't answer your question.

If you have any of these questions, some places to get help are:

  • The Getting Started thread at the top of the subreddit.

  • Our Discord server in the appropriate channel.

  • You may also try other subreddits - /r/homeimprovement, /r/woodworking, /r/electronics or /r/findareddit to help you find a subreddit applicable to your question.

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