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festerwl t1_itg6a5z wrote

For $800 I'd let him do it. He'll be faster than you will and will take care of all the disposal of the old stuff.


AlfaBetaZulu t1_itg6zx4 wrote

I don't think there is enough info here to say whether his price is to high or it could be a diy project. Depends how hard it is to access it and what the original problem is. $800 doesn't sound to crazy for a plumber though tbh.


zedsmith t1_itg7a4k wrote

800 is a very fair price for a plumber in 2022. If it goes wrong— if you buy the wrong parts, or don’t slope it properly… wouldn’t you prefer it be someone else’s problem rather than your own?


MyMomSaysIAmCool t1_itg7smc wrote

I'm not a professional plumber, and I'll share with you the rule that I use when I decide whether I'm going to get a pro in for a job.

If I'm not 100% confident that I can do it myself, and if it's something that is going to leave me without working plumbing until I finish, I get the pro.

I'm willing to live without a single sink or toilet working while I take a couple days to figure things out and get the right parts. But I'm not willing to completely disable my home's plumbing for days. That's just not worth it.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_itg743f wrote

Get him to do it. If it doesn't solve the problem then it's his issue to fix, not yours.

Make sure you're very clear in your communications that it's to solve your issue.


Mavendriller t1_itg85h0 wrote

I have done this diy. You will need a pipe cracker or a saw to cut that pipe, appropriate for cutting location. That can be tricky or easy.

Then you'll need to get new pipe in, again either tricky or easy. Need to slope pipe correctly, glue PVC joints correctly, and use proper seals for the different material joints. Honestly it's pretty basic and materials should cost about 100 plus tools/bits. If you need to cut different holes through bottom plate, its going to be a lot harder and you'll need more tools. If you need to cut out drywall to get access, then you need to patch too (this will be true with a plumber, but they are better at not needing it).

Good luck if you give it a go.


Syndicofberyl t1_itgj62x wrote

Let him do it. You have to get the slope right. His work will be warrantied where yours won't. And I guarantee he's done so much faster


Bldaz t1_itgplfc wrote

Thats cheap 5 k to remove exterior back yard pad and dig down replace cast with ABS added bull horns maybe 20ft


Guygan t1_itgq21l wrote

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