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bdjeremy t1_je5dzag wrote

Get a handheld electrical tester that you can hold next to any wires and if they have electricity running thru them it'll beep at you. If no beep, no electricity then take them down. Getting zapped sucks but it probably won't kill you. If you wear tennis shoes and only touch one wire at a time, you can switch out a hot light switch. Don't be skered.


UseABiggerHammer t1_je64zky wrote

My experience with this is that it's almost impossible to manipulate a single wire on a switch without touching the (usually) grounded bracket of the switch, and if that wire is hot, you're getting zapped. In the best case of that scenario it's across your hand but if you're holding that switch with one hand and your other hand touches voltage, current flows across your body. This is how people die. Just turn the breaker off or remove the fuse.