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goldbird54 t1_jc24mum wrote

Reply to comment by ghostridur in Thermostat wiring? by ZzIceDzZ

I’ve saved a lot of people a lot of money (while pocketing a $20 each time) by knowing this.


iksnizal t1_jc2giai wrote

The worst part is that I talked to someone and explained what happened. They told me they would have to come look at it but it would have to wait until Monday. It was Saturday night and I live in the Buffalo NY area and it was winter. I couldn't get anyone to come look at it so I ended up using a kerosene heater. (the indoor type). When I found out it was a fuse that he could have just told me to replace I was pissed. I understand it was my own fault but it seems like he could have told me over the phone to check that and still have charged me.