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Lost-Savage t1_jdymc4w wrote

What's the rise on the first tread? If it within range that's fine but looks like it may be too tall with the tread on top


rross2007 OP t1_jdzqeck wrote

7 3/8". So it would be 8 1/8" with the new 3/4" tread on top.


Lost-Savage t1_je0e6i4 wrote

OK 8 1/8 maybe too high may have to remove the existing ones and simply replacing. The human stride kinda forces a 7 3/8 max stair rise


rross2007 OP t1_je0t04d wrote

That's not really what I wanted to hear. haha. That's actually not even the worst one. There are two more steps at the top of the landing, one is 8 1/4" and the other is 8 1/2".


Lost-Savage t1_je2o8fx wrote

But it looks like if you pull the 2unch boards off you should be fine