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DeconstructionistWax t1_j9t86p1 wrote

I like CT, but the roads and sidewalks are awful. The roads a terribly designed (left exits, lanes ending right before a turn/exit that direction forcing everyone to merge over right before). The stoplights are also terribly coordinated if even linked at all. Sidewalks seem to be nonexistent outside of core areas


thesbaine t1_j9tfz51 wrote

>roads and sidewalks are awful

This is entirely dependent on what town you live in. Towns with higher quality tax bases are going to have better town roads/sidewalks, while towns with lower quality tax bases are going to have worse.


Chemical_Ad7629 t1_j9vabfj wrote

Not half as bad as Mass. I hate driving through Westfield, their traffic engineers had to have been on drugs.