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SonicBoom6 t1_j6uqvdn wrote

Moved to CA to meet my other half. Jobs are shit and pay are shit. Racism problems, cop beating people, cop pull people over for ridiculous things, incompetent people in gov., water problems, theft, bad traffic, not friendly people, and high vehicle registration which is also the property tax. You name it. Both north and south CA.

Moved to upstate NY. It was ok until the influx of immigrants from Africa come in we got our cars broken into, we got our house broken into. The pay is a little better but not that great. Business are shady. People lie to get their jobs so management are incompetent.

After 8 years away I came back to CT. Oly moley this place turn to shit itself. Pay is better but expensive in rent compare to CA and NY. I stop watching the weather cuz they are over exaggerating. Lazy employees, entitled people, incompetent drivers, the food variety suck compare to out of state, and pan handler everywhere.

No matter where you go this country is out of hand.


asshat_deluxe t1_j6v3zl3 wrote

eh, you might live in a crappy town. So what if the weather man exaggerates, really with the trash on cable news you complain about the weather man? Good help post covid is hard to get period, no matter where you live, and drivers have always sucked, but yeah they are worse now. The food variety is great if you know how to look for it. Pan handlers are not everywhere, in fact they are illegal in my town. Seems like your only happy when it rains bro....