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Pickles-In-Space OP t1_j8qm054 wrote

So this post was specifically asking for something and you want to come in here and be a homebody and shit on my specific question? Aite man, you do you, I'm gonna go enjoy myself.

Oh and side note - I just checked my grocery store prices for wings (store brand, bulk) and the pub I used to go to is still running their special of $0.60 per wing. That's the same price as the bag of lower quality grocery store wings, already prepared and served to me, in the specific environment I want to be in, but please continue to tell me how much more fun I'd have doing the exact opposite of the thing I asked for information about.


[deleted] t1_j8rderl wrote



JustADudeBeingADood t1_j8rmcol wrote

Holy shit you are a miserable person. This has to be a joke account right? Like you can't really be this miserable of a person in real life right?


Pickles-In-Space OP t1_j8u46dj wrote

Jesus Christ dude, you need to get off the internet and consider therapy or maybe just leaving your house once in a while and actually interacting with other human beings. "Have fun drinking and driving" - so you've clearly never heard of the concept of a DD, I see. Maybe if you had friends to go do things with, you'd have considered that option. Maybe you also wouldn't be so fucking miserable to the point where you go on people's reddit threads and actively neg the person while acting holier-than-thou the entire time.

In case anyone is wondering about the removed comment that made multiple people go "Christ, what an asshole"


Mofiremofire t1_j8u54ez wrote

I’ve got plenty of friends, they’re not pathetic bar scum who blow their paychecks slamming down bud light and chicken wings. We have a little more sophisticated interests and actually have standards of who we associate ourselves with.


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 t1_j8reddx wrote

Chicken is bad for you and when you eat it you “like yourself slowly”

  • Mofiremofire