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phabphour20 t1_j6ohylv wrote

For me and my family (and my co-workers), the calculus has changed since Covid. We used to send kids to school with coughs or runny noses all the time. Now the bar is a bit higher (or lower) and we keep them home more to be safe. I hope other parents in our community are doing the same. It is much easier now for a lot of people to work from home and thus not need emergency childcare for a sick day.

The days of being a martyr and coming into the office when sick are certainly over. At least in the white collar office environment where I work. I just log in from home and do Zoom meetings when necessary.


lazy-but-talented t1_j6ov2yd wrote

I’ve worked from home for nearly 3 years and I definitely feel insulated to a lot of the problems surrounding a sick day, I can save sick time and stretch out a work day or just call out easily.

COVID has created far greater disparities in money needed vs money being earned, some people are definitely working more hours or more jobs to pay for their necessities and can’t afford to take a sick day and still go into work sick.