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Ayatollah-X t1_j4zy0zl wrote

In Central CT, trash collection is run by big companies like All Waste, but in Western CT, there's all those little trash collecting companies, and the corporate trash collectors can't get a foothold. I wonder why that is? A kid I went to school with runs one of the local trash companies and almost went to prison just for cutting deals with Galante, who was a competitor.

There's also active mob in Hartford, but they're more active in construction, sports books, vending machines, drugs, etc. They've been dying out though. The current generation is much less powerful than the last one. I used to go to a restaurant in the South End where you could place bets with the bookie bartender and eat Italian food with all the old mobsters, but it was sold, bulldozed and replaced with a chain store a decade ago.

Ever since RICO, a lot of the smarter young guys are figuring out that it's easier and safer to make money in the private sector. That's leading to a brain drain leaving the knuckleheads in charge of the rackets, so they keep getting weaker with time.


CroMag84 t1_j50v96x wrote

Why be a low rent criminal when you can be a corporate criminal


FlakyFile1150 t1_j50ixjq wrote

I've heard that back in the day when companies like Waste Management tried to come into CT their employees where chased and harassed by the people who were already here. Like pull the drivers out of the truck and beat them harassed. I work in the industry and no place I've worked is like that anymore.


Kodiak01 t1_j516kbb wrote

>Like pull the drivers out of the truck and beat them harassed.


I work servicing the refuse industry and WM has been a major account for a long time.

The reason they left many spots in CT were because they were divesting themselves of unprofitable locations. This was the case with South Windsor, for example. Some places change hands multiple times, such as in Cheshire, MA where WM sold out to Republic who then sold out to Casella.


Kodiak01 t1_j51638r wrote

> In Central CT, trash collection is run by big companies like All Waste, but in Western CT, there's all those little trash collecting companies, and the corporate trash collectors can't get a foothold. I wonder why that is?

Don't worry, at the rate Casella and USA Hauling are buying everyone up, it's only a matter of time.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_j516vc6 wrote

Seriously. CWPM on the Eastern side.


Kodiak01 t1_j517ohi wrote

CWPM has been around for a long time. They still have several locations up the middle of the State and run multiple municipal transfer stations. Over the years I interacted most often with their Berlin location.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_j51cpns wrote

They just bought Sterling and their transfer station. Pretty sure between Casella and CWPM those are the only 2 left on the North Eastern side for residential trash hauling. Maybe a couple very small independent guys.


Kodiak01 t1_j51ot5z wrote

USA Hauling has a presence, being based in E Windsor. All American Waste has some Tolland County contracts, Ellington and others I believe.