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as1126 t1_j47ijtl wrote

You don't need a rear-facing camera to prove someone hit your rear and that kind of collision is always 100% the fault of the driver in the rear because they didn't leave a safe following distance.


Kodiak01 t1_j47m7ni wrote

Last year I was at the front of a 3 car accident. Sitting at a stop, blinker on to make a left turn, guy behind me gets plowed into, subsequently hits me.

Had I had a rear-facing dashcam, the SECOND car would likely have been put partially as fault as well. He was tailgating me for miles before-hand, tried passing me on a double-yellow less than a mile before the accident, and was right up on my bumper when he hit me. Had he given proper spacing between stopped vehicles, I very likely would not have been hit at all.

I got lucky with that accident, my damage was all cosmetic while the other two cars were totalled.


avgeekCT t1_j47q2ll wrote

Never hurts to cover your ass, especially in this state. The advice I received for having a rear-facing cam actually came from a state cop. It’s just another angle proving where your vehicle was in relation to others.